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Are you wondering how physicians get jobs in the pharmaceutical industry? What kind of work do they do?

Are you a physician who would like to know how to leverage your skills and credentials to get a job outside of patient care? Do you know how to work with a recruiter to effectively find and market yourself for the right position in pharma?

A recruiter who specializes in physicians in the pharma/biotech industry answers questions in this post.
This post summarizes a conversation with a recruiter who specializes in physicians in the pharma/biotech industry. Photo by National Cancer Institute
...continue reading "How Physicians Get Jobs in the Pharmaceutical Industry"

How does working with a recruiter help you land your dream job in a pharma or biotech company? Or how does working with pharmaceutical recruiters and headhunters help you hire the best-fit candidate for your job opening?

Working with pharmaceutical recruiters and headhunters can help you get hired or hire the right job candidate.
Working with a recruiter can help you get hired or hire the right person. Photo by Christina @
...continue reading "Hire and Get Hired: Work With Pharmaceutical Recruiters and Headhunters"