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In this series, we highlight specific functions or departments within typical pharmaceutical company organizations. We also feature the perspectives of women working in these different functions and their career journeys.

A special thanks to Patricia Casbas for sharing insights about the MSL role!

The MSL provides bidirectional communication between physicians and pharma companies.
MSLs establish and maintain relationships with KOLs at major academic centers and clinics. Photo by Christina @ 
...continue reading "Pharma Function Highlights: Medical Science Liaison (MSL) & Patricia Casbas, PhD, MPH"

The Data Science function works with healthcare data to generate impactful evidence and insights. Christel Chehoud is featured.

In this series, we highlight specific functions or departments within typical pharmaceutical company organizations. We also feature the perspectives of women working in these different functions and their career journeys.

About the Data Science function

The Data Science function is typically responsible for working with data to generate impactful evidence and insights. These data describe the pharmaceutical company’s therapeutic products and patients. Such work can support the entire life cycle of a drug, from early stage development to post-market commitments. The overarching goal of the work may be to advance scientific and medical knowledge and enable data-driven patient care and access. 

...continue reading "Pharma Function Highlights: Data Science & Christel Chehoud, PhD"

Are you a mom who has taken a career break but are now looking to return to work? The prospect of returning to work can feel daunting. Many moms in your shoes may not know where to begin, worry that their skills are outdated, and struggle with how to address the gap in their resumes. These concerns are valid, but they are not insurmountable. With the right preparation and planning, you can find a role that fits.

...continue reading "Guest Post: 5 Tips for Moms Returning to Work After a Career Break"

In this series, we highlight specific functions or departments within typical pharmaceutical company organizations. We also feature the perspectives of women working in these different functions and their career journeys.

The Safety Science function within pharma companies is charged with safeguarding patient safety along the entire lifecycle of a medicine. While the safety of a medicine can be studied in a clinical trial, much of the knowledge about the safety of a medicine is gathered after it is launched in the marketplace as patients are using the medicine in routine care.

...continue reading "Pharma Function Highlights: Safety Science & Jill Martin, MD, MPH"

Earlier this week, I visited the University of Pennsylvania as a speaker in the Public Health Certificate Program's seminar series. The students in this program are doctoral students interested in merging their primary research interests in the biomedical fields with public health.

Having learned about my biomedical science background and transition to epidemiology, the director of the program asked me to share my career path with the students.

Oftentimes, students rarely get a glimpse of what happens in industry, so I really relished the opportunity to share how public health skills could be put to work in pharma.

...continue reading "Sharing My Journey with Penn Students"