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You've tailored your resume to the job description. In addition, your cover letter highlights how you're a great match for the open position. You hit the "submit" button on the company's job website. Finally, it's time to sit back and wait for the interview invitation, right? Wrong! Here are 3 important steps you should take after you've applied for the job to increase your chances of getting an interview.

Bored woman sitting in front of laptop waiting to hear back about an interview after submitting her job application online
Wondering what happened to your online job application? Photo by
...continue reading "3 Important Ways To Improve Your Chances Of Getting A Job Interview After Applying Online"

People managers play a huge role in their employees' daily work experience. Plus, they directly impact their employees' happiness. In fact, the number one reason that employees leave their company is their manager. However, developing an effective management style is not something that people managers learn in school. Rather, managers are expected to learn how to be effective through trial and error on the job. Because of this, we believe it is paramount to share insights and experience on how to be an effective people manager. 

People Manager at conference table with two employees who are happy.
Managers play a huge role in their employees' happiness. Image by PenguinGraphics
...continue reading "Guide to Being an Effective People Manager"

Have you lined up an informational interview to expand your network or learn more about a job opening? Here are 4 steps you need to take to prepare for that informational interview.

I heard about a job opening

Last week, I learned that a new group in my department had open positions. The new group’s role in supporting the personalized healthcare objectives of my company interested me. Because I saw myself potentially in a similar role in the future, I wanted to learn more about it.

Therefore, I decided this would be a great opportunity to do an informational interview.

...continue reading "4 Steps to Prepare for an Informational Interview"

Did you just apply for a job through an online application portal?

Oftentimes, hiring managers will review only 10 resumes among the 1,000 submitted, then interview 3 and maybe pick 1 person for the position. To get your resume in the hands of a hiring manager, you need to defy the odds.

Networking is one way in which you can potentially create job opportunities and place your resume in the hands of hiring managers.

...continue reading "Networking 101"