This week's guest post comes from Joannie Yeh, pediatrician and time management life coach. She tackles an important subject - working mom guilt - and gives us concrete techniques to deal with it. You can find more from her at Happy Mother's Day!
You may not think spending more time with your kids is as easy as something you could start today. Since most of my friends – who happen to mostly be women who work outside the home - began having kids, I noticed that a common post on their social media was about how they wished they had more time with their kids. I have almost 10 years of harboring these sentiments myself, with my firstborn entering this world just as I completed pediatric residency training. More recently, I also completed training as a time management life coach. With my experience as a working mom of 3 kids and as a time management life coach, I developed a system for working moms so they can spend more time with their kids without guilt. Here is the very do-able and practical quick win first step of that system.