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Michelle and I were interviewed a few months ago on the Married to Doctors podcast. We had a blast chatting with podcast host Lara McElderry about our training and career journeys in the context of having spouses who also have challenging and demanding professional obligations.

You can listen to the interview or check out the show notes here:
...continue reading "Our Interview on the Married to Doctors Podcast!"

Networking and informational interviews can help a job candidate stand out in a crowded pool of applicants. Students and postdocs often ask how I got my first offer for a position in the pharma industry. I give credit to networking and informational interviews. Here is my story.

Networking and informational interviews are critical to a successful job search. Photo by Evangeline Shaw
...continue reading "How Networking and Informational Interviews Led to My Job Offer"

Did you just apply for a job through an online application portal?

Oftentimes, hiring managers will review only 10 resumes among the 1,000 submitted, then interview 3 and maybe pick 1 person for the position. To get your resume in the hands of a hiring manager, you need to defy the odds.

Networking is one way in which you can potentially create job opportunities and place your resume in the hands of hiring managers.

...continue reading "Networking 101"