Editorial note: Taissa Pavliuc, a former Medical Sales rep, shares a guest post. She discusses how to break into the pharmaceutical industry and get your first pharmaceutical sales job.

Editorial note: Taissa Pavliuc, a former Medical Sales rep, shares a guest post. She discusses how to break into the pharmaceutical industry and get your first pharmaceutical sales job.
In the US, we celebrate Thanksgiving this week. For this occasion, we want to take a moment and share what we are grateful for this Thanksgiving. Having gratitude, the expression of appreciation for what we have, is a practice for emotional resilience. Thus, amidst this pandemic season, while working from home and juggling childcare, being thankful is an important component of our survival toolbox to stay productive and healthy.
This week, I had the pleasure to be interviewed on The Public Health Millennial podcast. I spoke with podcast host Omari Richins, MPH, about my path to public health and pharma. In the episode, I reflected on how receiving public health services as a child motivated me to pursue a career in public health. And then how the skills I gained in epidemiology led to my first job after training. We also talked about my current work in the pharmaceutical/ biotechnology industry.
Not too long ago, I was looking for podcasts on career development in the pharmaceutical/biotech industry. Of course, bonus points if the podcast has a focus on women. So far, I haven’t come across any in this particular niche (hey, Michelle, project idea… you know, for when our kids finally go to school after this pandemic!). Dear readers, if you know about a women-in-pharma-careers-relevant podcast, please leave in the comments below or send us a note!