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For five years, I commuted by car over an hour each way out of Philadelphia to my workplace in the suburbs. For four of those years, I commuted with my infant/toddler son so that he could attend the company's affiliated daycare. Here are tips that helped me manage and survive that long commute with a child.

Car commute with a child, view of dashboard against the sunset hitting the road.
A long commute can be stressful. Having a child in the backseat multiplies the stress.
Photo by Luigi Manga on Unsplash
...continue reading "Surviving a long commute with a child"

Congratulations! You received a job offer!

There are lots of considerations for whether to accept a job offer. These include the job responsibilities, the rapport with the manager, opportunities for career growth, etc. Most importantly, will the compensation package allow you to live your desired financial life?

Taking a new job can have substantial impact on your financial life.
Photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash

This post will show you how to conduct a financial assessment of your job offer.

...continue reading "How to Financially Assess Your Job Offer"

I typically think of my life so far as two different lives: one life before child and a completely different life after child. The person I was before child could do it all. I could have it all. I was invincible. I had all the time in the world. Now, I am living a different life.

...continue reading "6 Ways Being a Mom Changed How I Work"

Earlier this week, I visited the University of Pennsylvania as a speaker in the Public Health Certificate Program's seminar series. The students in this program are doctoral students interested in merging their primary research interests in the biomedical fields with public health.

Having learned about my biomedical science background and transition to epidemiology, the director of the program asked me to share my career path with the students.

Oftentimes, students rarely get a glimpse of what happens in industry, so I really relished the opportunity to share how public health skills could be put to work in pharma.

...continue reading "Sharing My Journey with Penn Students"

Michelle and I were interviewed a few months ago on the Married to Doctors podcast. We had a blast chatting with podcast host Lara McElderry about our training and career journeys in the context of having spouses who also have challenging and demanding professional obligations.

You can listen to the interview or check out the show notes here:
...continue reading "Our Interview on the Married to Doctors Podcast!"