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Throughout 2020, women have been put through the test. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented new stresses and adversities. Now, the reality is that these challenges are prolonged. Thus, it will take a lengthy and sustained practice of resilience to survive these times. Thankfully, I am learning that it is possible to develop resilience.

Falling off surfboard in rough surf, representing the need for resilience
Resilience means adapting to change and adversity. Photo by pappigo
...continue reading "Developing Resilience to Survive … and Even Thrive?"

Most of us work in science, which involves laboratories or hours in front of a computer screen crunching data. However, much of what we do in pharma involves large teams in a matrixed or cross-functional work. Skills such as organizational skills, presentation and oral communication skills, writing, and influencing are absolutely critical for success in the industry environment.  These are often called "transferable skills" or "marketable skills."

...continue reading "18 Ways to Gain Marketable Skills Outside the Lab"